
My Ionic-Hybrid Experience[1]

Ionic Development experience

When I was in 3rd year in Undergraduate, I has an opportunity to develop a Mobile Application. Since I have the experience of developing Android Mobile Application which is a CMPUT 301 course project. I build a team which from 2 different teams in 301 course.

The First Plan for us is build an Android Application by Java and an iOS Application by Object-C. The Customer asked us to finish in a half year. We don’t think that is enough to develop two Applications and test two.

We were looking for some solutions. The first solutions is Cordova Phonegap. However we searched some Phonegap products. The User experience and User Interface is much worse than an Application developed by Java or Object-C.

Then one of my team member ask his sister’s boyfriend who works in Google. He recommand the Ionic + Parse for our mobile application. That is the first time I heard about the Ionic.

Then I use Ionic + Parse to develop 3 Mobile Applications inculde one course project. It is not easy until we fully understand what the structure in the Ionic. Trust me! Ionic is a very clear Structure.

The Structure

In my Understanding the Ionic Stucture is like this form.

See you in next time.